Let us know what you have in mind and we will find the job you’re cut out for. Would you like to work in the food & industry, construction, technician, transportation & logistics or cleaning sector? With us, you’ll find the best place for your talent.

Haven’t spotted the perfect job opening? No problem, submit your application here

We look further than your CV alone

Before starting the search, we want to get to know you better. What are you looking for in a job and what are your ambitions? Your registration with Emveflex is much more than simply submitting your CV. We get to know you better during a personal interview. It’s only then that we can discover which job truly fits your unique talents.

Working with Emveflex

There are several options when working with Emveflex. The employer decides which option is best.

  • Temporary staffing
  • Secondment
  • Permanent employment

We are happy to tell you more about these options.

More info about employment options

What our employees say

We could, of course, tell you all about what makes Emveflex a great employment partner. Our employees do a much better job of this though!

Employee stories

Emveflex guarantees

  • Clear communication
  • Short lines of communication
  • Personal assistance
  • Cost-efficient mediation
Apply today!
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